How To Make Big Decisions In Less Than 60 Seconds

The business world is ever changing, and thus, one important quality a leader in today’s professional world must possess is the ability to be a quick decision maker.

Taking weeks to pick a perfect candidate for an open position will probably result in that person accepting another offer.

Or, making your employees wait for days for you to decide on which investment is right for your firm will waste everyone’s time.

Certain situations demand a fast decision, which is why we will provide tips on making a decision in less than one minute.

Go With Your Gut Feeling

You have likely heard people say time and time again, “I wish I listened to my gut feeling.”

This is a statement that over-thinkers often make, after they have turned all the pros and cons in their head thirty times, and changed their mind from what they originally wanted.

Learning to trust yourself and really listening to what your mind and heart are telling you will help you make a lightning-fast decision in under a minute.

Set A Timer

It may seem impossible to weigh all the implications of a certain or other decision in less than one minute, but it’s not.

However, you really must make sure you are giving yourself 60 seconds, as what may seem like one minute can actually turn into 30 before you know it.

Set a stopwatch and promise yourself you will announce a decision when the timer ends.

Ask For Research

When you have to give an answer to your staff members, and you want it to be quick, make sure they provide you with the required research to make an educated decision.

Instruct your staff to provide either detailed research, or a summary of what they have found out, along with possible repercussions a choice may have.

Once you have reviewed all these materials, you will feel more comfortable and prepared to make a swift decision.

Pick Randomly

Oftentimes, no amount of research can point to what a better decision is, which is why, when you simply can’t choose between two or more options, pick one randomly.

Jot down each choice on a piece of paper, and drop them into a hat, picking one out.

Making quick decisions is not the same as being reckless.

There are times that call for you to think on your feet and be swift in the decision making process.

Use these tips to help you choose one way or the other in less than one minute.

Here are a couple more articles that will help you:

Thanks again



Sean McPheat

Managing Director

MTD Training   

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Updated on: 16 May, 2016

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