Evaluate Your Managers With Our 360 Feedback Tool
We can measure exactly what you need. We’ve got over 600 ready-made questionnaires to use or adapt or we can create one based on your competency framework or own questions. Each of your managers will receive a spider graph on their results like the one here and a comprehensive report that contains the breakdown of the feedback received for each of the competencies.
Just think how useful that would be to drive the performance of the leadership within your organisation. Especially so for the manager in this example as there seems to be a big disconnect between how they perceive their performance compared to those who provided feedback on them!
360 feedback is a process where your managers have the opportunity to receive feedback on their performance from their line manager, their staff, colleagues and even their customers.
It also provides the opportunity for your managers to take a step back and to provide a self-assessment of their own strengths and weaknesses.
They can also work very well during the performance management process, staff appraisals, regular one to ones, as part of a training programme or for gathering training needs.
360 Degree Clients

Some of them use our 360 statements as they are.
Some use their own criteria and others use our statements as a baseline and then amend and adapt them to fit exactly what they need.
The roles we have ready made statements for include:
- Team leaders
- Supervisors
- Middle managers
- Senior managers
Make An Enquiry Today
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your requirements or give our team a call.
Off The Shelf or Bespoke
360 Degree Assessment Tool
We have several off the shelf questionnaires that you can use “as is” or you can download them and make changes to ensure that you are measuring exactly what you need.
Or indeed, you can develop your own 360 feedback questionnaire and start from scratch so if you have a competency development framework or if you want to use it for 360 appraisal for example, you can measure against that…exactly.
Therefore your managers will receive feedback that will really make a difference to them personally and to your organisation as a whole.
Want to compare your managers over time? We have an option that will enable you to do exactly that. We have a number of comparison reports that you can use that will illustrate their improvements over a specific time period.
You can also group reports up for say a team or a management population so you can receive an aggregated picture of your entire management population if the needs be.
This is found to be very useful for measuring cultural aspects of the business and for providing leadership training needs analysis.
Our 360 Feedback Tool
We developed our own proprietary 360 feedback tool to ensure that your people receive a slick and very user friendly experience.
The choice is yours – you can run your own programmes or we can manage them on your behalf.
With dynamic, “in the moment” reporting you can easily see a snapshot of progress as it happens – LIVE!
Our tool is mobile friendly and this enables completion levels to be very high to maximise the results for your campaign.
Our tool can also run 180’s, training needs analysis, employee surveys, culture checks and it can also automate your training feedback form happy sheets.
360 Degree Feedback Example
Our 360 feedback tool gives you complete flexibility over your staff development needs.
It’s ideal for staff appraisals, identifying development needs and for use before, during and after training programmes.
Our team can run the whole project for you at no additional cost or we can give you access to the system and you can run it yourself.
Feel free to download a sample report which will illustrate the level of detail that each of your managers will receive.
We can also provide coaching services to feedback the results from the reports as well as provide train the coach training to train your people on how to provide the feedback themselves.
Our solutions are flexible so contact us to discuss your requirements.
Make An Enquiry Today
Please complete our enquiry form with
your requirements or give our team a call.
What Questions Can I Use?
You can use our ready-made questions that are already uploaded to our 360 feedback system or you can use your own. In total we have over 600 different questionnaires that you can use as they are or you can amend them as you see fit.
You can also upload any survey that you like so you can measure exactly what you need.
What 360 Feedback Tool Do You Use?
We have a proprietary 360 feedback tool called Feedo. It has been developed from scratch by learning and development professionals.
Our team can run 360 assessments on your behalf or you can have access to the tool and run the campaigns yourself. The choice is yours!
Feedo is totally flexible and it’s dynamic reporting means that it is the solution for your 360 feedback needs.
Do You Have Any Ready-Made Templates or Examples We Can Use?
We have over 600 ready-made 360 assessments.
They range from leadership, management, sales, apprenticeship, customer service and many more topics!
Our 360 degree templates and samples are 100% customisable.
What Do Organisations Use 360 Feedback For?
Some organisations use it for 360 appraisals or 360 reviews. These are for performance improvement purposes. It’s important that employees understand where their strengths and areas of development are.
What normally happens for a review is that the manager will take a self-assessment and will have input from their line manager, staff members and peers.
It can there be seen as a vital and very important performance appraisal tool.
Secondly, this process can also be used as part of learning and development initiatives such as a training needs analysis. Imagine that each of your managers take a 360 assessment prior to a development programme – they then take the training programme and then 6 months later take the 360 assessment again to see if there have been any improvements.
Whatever your needs our 360 feedback tool can help.
More Assessments
Get In Touch!
If you have got some 360 degree feedback requirements in mind please call us on 0333 320 2883 or complete the online form below.