Management Blog

Tips & advice to help you improve your performance

A Model To Help Improve Your Communication

Being able to communicate effectively is one of the key components that make up the great manager’s portfolio. Without excellent communication, even a good manager will fail to progress the business because of the need to keep momentum through communicating the vision and objectives. (more…)

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6 Keys To Leading Positive Change

There’s a very interesting TEDx talk by RosaBeth Moss Kanter on leading positive change, and I’ve noted six keys to change that she mentions, along with my thoughts as to their application in the world of business and leadership: (more…)

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How To Know What To Concentrate On As A Manager

Many managers face the dilemma at times of what to focus their valuable time on when it appears that everything is urgent, everything is important and nothing can be delegated to anyone else. This predicament can have many repercussions on managers’ time and effort, as…

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How To Create A Culture Of Accountability

Why is it so difficult to get my people to take full responsibility for results? This was a question one of my consultants faced when he was working with a client recently. (more…)

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How To Specifically Express Appreciation For A Good Job

Praise and recognition have often been stated as a key motivational practice for many people. Why? Because being recognised for doing a good job strokes our ego, builds on our self-esteem, creates goodwill between the two people, develops self-worth and makes our self-confidence do a…

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How To Be Part Of The Solution, Not The Problem

You’ve no doubt heard the expression that we should be part of the solution, not the problem. And I’m sure we all agree that would be the best way to work. The question is…how? (more…)

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Understanding The Apprentice Journey

The apprenticeship journey starts with you understanding the requirements and elements of an apprenticeship standard. Apprenticeship Standard Each apprenticeship standard is made up of knowledge, skills and behaviours. The Knowledge during the apprenticeship you will acquire the facts, information, theory and technical information of the…

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The Importance Of Functional Skills

  Navigating the world of work with confidence hinges on a solid grasp of Functional Skills Maths and English, the cornerstone of all apprenticeship programmes. They arm apprentices with the crucial toolkit to excel, ensuring numeracy and literacy become second nature. However, within apprenticeships, the…

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How To Boost Morale, Self-Esteem & Confidence In A Team Member

Why was management invented? That seems a strange question, doesn’t it? Surely management isn’t an invention!  Surely it developed in response to industrial needs and was built over a period of time! (more…)

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Inside The Mind Of Richard Branson & What We Can Learn From It

What makes us who we are? Naturally, it’s a mixture of our genetic makeup and our nurtured experiences. Some of our responses are based on our genes, but many of them are learned as we go along in life, conditioned in the main by who…

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How To Measure Your Return On Talent

When asked to discuss the parameters managers use to assess their own and their department’s performance, the term ROI is often mentioned. While the returns on investment are critical to the success of any department, there is another measurement we sometimes fail to take into…

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Easy Ways Of Tapping Into The Potential Of Your Team Members

On some of our courses, we often ask managers ‘How many of you have got people in your team who have the potential to produce better work than they are showing at the moment?’ Normally, every hand goes up. (more…)

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